DC Council Unanimously Passes Healthy Homes Act
The DC Council voted 13-0 to unanimously pass the Healthy Homes Act, pivotal climate legislation that would help up to 30,000 low-income residents reduce their utility bills and improve air quality by upgrading their homes with highly efficient electric equipment such as heat pumps.
Climate, Faith, Health Advocates Call for DC Council to Restore Healthy Homes Funding
Nearly 30 DC organizations wrote to DC Council Transportation and Environment Committee Chair Charles Allen asking him to restore funding that would allow low- and middle-income DC residents to transition their homes off fossil fuels.
Mayor Bowser tries to defund help for low-income families to stabilize utility bills, improve indoor air quality
Mayor Bowser is seeking to defund about $25 million of existing funding to help 30,000 low-income households stabilize their energy bills by upgrading their homes with clean, affordable, and efficient energy.
DC Council Votes 13-0 for Healthy Homes Act
The Healthy Homes Act unanimously cleared the first of two critical votes before the DC Council, bringing it one step closer to full passage.
Grassroots Groups Call for DC Council Action on Healthy Homes Act
Almost 40 DC-based groups wrote the DC Council calling for passage of the Healthy Homes Act.